Monday, May 23, 2011


It's my birthday today! So I got some flowers from Martin. I don't think I've ever seen these before but now that I've got some I suddenly notice that they're growing in everybody's yards outside. So this must be Pfingstrose season. Pfingsten is a holiday here, known in English as Pentecost. That is where these roses get their name from, I suppose because they always bloom right around Pfingsten (which is really late this year since Easter was really late so of course they're blooming a little early).

They also smell ah-may-zing:

I'm not sure if these are around in the US or not but they were new to me so I figured I'd post them here in case they're new to some of you too. Oh wait I just looked it up and they're Peonies ... we definitely have those in the US.


  1. I was going to say they look like peonies. They are beautiful! Martin, you done good!
