The first town we visited with my parents was Rothenburg ob der Tauber, in southern Germany. It's a small but super cute town filled with slanty red roofs:
Here's the town hall on the main square and a few other street views from within the town:
And here's the hotel we stayed at, the "Romantik Hotel Markusturm":
The big arch in the above picture dates from the 13th century and was the original gate into Rothenburg ob der Tauber.
We spent three nights here, and I'd highly recommend visiting Rothenburg ob der Tauber if you have the time and inclination for it. There are many unique shops throughout the town so you couljavascript:void(0)d spend an entire day just shopping. We also walked around the town on the old castle walls, went for a bike ride through the Tauber river valley, visited churches, and went to the Medieval Crime and Punishment museum which was quite fascinating. There are other museums there as well, including the Christmas museum and the Toy and Doll museum where you can view over 1,000 dolls. And we also sampled the local specialty, snowballs:
Snowballs are strips of dough bunched together then deep fried then covered with different toppings. The classic topping is a bit of powdered sugar but that was too boring for me. I sampled one topped with chocolate and coconut, one topped with chocolate and also filled with chocolate, and an apple cinnamon one. There were many more options as well for example the picture above shows them topped with chocolate and almonds. It's hard to tell how big they are from the pictures above but they're a little bigger than the size of the baseball. And they are the perfect compliment to an afternoon cup of coffee or tea.
We also went out to several nice dinners and my dad drank some beers. Here we ate dinner in a nice garden at the Hotel Herrnschlösschen:
Okay so maybe we just placed that in front of him because he had a G&T that night, but he actually drank a beer almost every day on this trip. We even took him to an authentic beer garden where we sat on long benches and drank some more beer:
And that was our time in Rothenburg ob der Tauber. We were lucky to have gorgeous weather the entire time we were there.
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