This past weekend we went to Davos for some winter fun. On the way, we stopped in Liechtenstein because I've wanted to go there forever. We just stopped there for a late lunch and I only took two pictures - both of the castle - sorry. I had a bad head cold and it was freezing cold and foggy outside and I wasn't as excited as I wanted to be about being in Liechtenstein. Vaduz was also completely deserted. We wandered around the pedestrian area a bit and we were the only people there. We managed to find a Thai restaurant for lunch and the food was surprisingly really good. I think a lot of Asians visit Liechtenstein - not sure why. We saw at least one Asian tour group while we were there.
Pics of the castle sitting high above Vaduz:
Vaduz was a little more populated than I thought it would be. Cute place though, neat and clean like Switzerland but it definitely had its own character. And lots of great shopping - unfortunately the Swiss franc is strong right now so we were not spending money in Liechtenstein.
Below are pictures from skiing/snowboarding on Saturday at Davos - Parsenn. Gorgeous blue sky day. Even though I woke up with my head cold still going strong I had to go snowboarding. It was too nice of a day to pass up the opportunity. There is nothing like being in the Alps on a sunny day, and I get to be there so rarely these days. The guy in the pictures who is not Martin is our friend Matthias. We met him when we lived in Zürich and we let him stay for a week at Martin's family's cabin in Yosemite so now he invites us to his family's apartment in Davos every year. On Sunday we woke up to heavy snowfall. Martin went xc skiing and I, with my head cold, went for a little walk and otherwise laid low. Then we drove back up to Germany in quite possibly the worst road conditions we've ever driven in. Lesson learned that we're buying snow tires and probably chains too before going skiing again.
Cocktails in the sunshine on the balcony:
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