One of Martin's coworkers at BASF hosts a Grillfest at his house every summer. And he and his wife love to garden and have this gorgeous yard. This year I finally took a few pictures to post on this blog. Of course this year it also rained, but we still had a good time.
I would like to start out with a picture of the typical German pasta salad. You will find this at every single German bbq and house party. It's pasta, mayo, bologna, and pickles. This one has peas in it too but those are optional. And, I have to admit, I love this salad. I love pickles and adding them to pasta salad is the best idea on earth to me.
Of course, there was also meat. Lots and lots of meat. Here's some of it cooking on the German grill. I don't know why Americans don't use these sorts of grills - you can adjust the height that the meat is hanging at.
A few crowd and game-watching pics. The Brazil-Chile world cup game was on so of course there was a projector set up so we could watch it while we ate and conversed.
There was a huge amount of food, and we ate ALL of it. My stomach still hurts from eating too much and it's almost 24 hours later.
Watching the game and hiding from the rain:
And some pictures of their beautiful house and gardens and landscaping. I love how the back of their house has large doors that are all open to the yard. They had tons of flowers but also fruit trees and berry bushes. They just have a gorgeous yard that they put a lot of time and effort into. It should be in a Home and Garden magazine or something like that.
A little dining table hidden amongst the flowers:
Apricot tree:
The few lonely sausages left at the end of the night:
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