Last night we had dinner at a restaurant called Öpfelchammer (roughly translates to apple room in English). This restaurant serves traditional Swiss food that is very tasty (and expensive). Martin and I have wanted to go to this restaurant for the past year and a half so we were happy to finally get there before we left for Germany. What makes Öpfelchammer unique is that there is a big wooden beam that goes across the ceiling and each customer is challenged to jump up and over it, squiggle across the beam next to it, and then hang upside down while drinking a glass of white wine. If you can do that, you get to write your name on the wall.
This all takes place in the Weinstübe which is a small cozy room where the only beverages served are wine, water, grape juice, and port. Here's a picture of the beams that you have to get yourself up and over. The space at the top is very small so it's a lot harder to do than it looks. A lot of people hit their heads on the ceiling pretty hard while trying to jump through:
Writing on the walls from people who have made it over the beams:
Here's one guy trying to do it ... there was a bachelor party there and they were all wearing shirts that said "Letzter Tag in Freiheit", or, "last day of freedom". This guy is failing miserably and he actually hit his head pretty hard several times. I think he was the groom so he was probably already three sheets to the wind and didn't feel it anyway:
Here's one of the guys that was successful, drinking the wine while upside down. I think he must have been some sort of gymnast though because he did it right away and made it look easy:
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