The fishermen of Bodrum always had a lot of cat friends. This guy only had one ...
But this guy had 11 or 12:
Here is my cat friend from dinner on our first night in Bodrum. He got some of my chicken and some of Martin's fish because I couldn't resist his big eyes:
The cats were all very well behaved they would just sit next to you and wait patiently without meowing or pawing at you or trying to get onto the table.
Our hotel had at least 3 cats that it fed and housed. Probably more, there were definitely more on the grounds but there were 3 that could always be found lounging in random areas of the hotel and sitting next to your table at breakfast or dinner.
This one is passed out in the lobby:
There were also a few scraggly cats we saw wandering around outside of our room one night so I started stealing turkey from the breakfast buffet and leaving it out on our patio for the cats to eat. It was always eaten.
Here are my four cat friends from dinner on our third night. We ate at a fish restaurant right on the water. I of course made sure each of these cats got a bite of my fish. This picture might seem sideways to you but this was my view of the cats when I looked over the railing next to where I was sitting:
And those were the cats that we took pictures of in Bodrum. Believe me there were many more but if we took pictures of all of them we wouldn't have had time to do anything else.
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