So, I'm not 100% sure that I like the order that they're in yet, and I'd like to take them all down and make them all big tall orange/red/yellow begonias so my balcony looks like it's on fire, but this is how it looks for now:
Starting from right we have little white/pink begonias (I bought them as babies so they're still growing and will get big), then impatiens, then purple/white petunias, then my herbs (thyme/rosemary/basil), then the big orange/red begonias. I wanted to put my herbs on the side railing and have the whole big railing be flowers but the herbs are in an oddly-shaped box that hangs funny and the side railing hangs over our neighbor's patio and if the box fell down there it wouldn't be good. So, the herbs must remain amongst the flowers.
Here's a closer look at the orange/red begonias but I think both of these pictures came out blurry so I'll have to try again (i.e. Martin will have to take the picture):
The middle one is a little out of control (large) but I'm sure the side ones will catch up eventually.
The impatiens are pretty cool too, one is fuchsia (yes that's the correct spelling, which I just learned), one is a bright pink, and one is a bright pink with cool white patterns on it.
Here's Onyx's cat grass:
The last one I bought died in just a few days but this one I planted in a big planter and it's been happy so far. Every morning after his breakfast Onyx goes out onto the balcony and chomps on his cat grass for awhile. That's his routine. I'll get a picture of it eventually. You can see where he's eaten it around the sides, where it's shorter.
And here's some pretty purple flower. I have no idea what it is I just thought it was pretty and bought it, then didn't have room in my boxes for it so it got its own planter that it will hopefully grow into and look awesome:
I realize that I need to pick my favorite flowers and make a pattern on my balcony for it to look its best (i.e. for it to look like all the other balconies here) but I can never resist buying different flowers in different colors when I see them all at the store (plus I like certain colors and Martin likes other colors so we need a little of everything). I guess whatever lasts the longest this year will win the honor of being what I buy next year for the whole balcony.
Gorgeous! I love the orange begonia that's" out of control". I'm with you though--I always plan to make a pattern / organize my flowers but then I just end up buying whatever I think looks neat at the store. oh well, I guess random is a pattern. ;)