After our 4 days in Ubud, we transferred over to The Legian hotel in Seminyak which is on the west coast of Bali. Once we arrived we were told that we got a free double upgrade of our room ... no complaints here. Granted all of the rooms at The Legian have a good ocean view so the fact that we had an ocean view was not a big deal but our new room also had a day bed on the balcony which was quite nice:
We also had a second balcony with comfy lounge chairs with a view of the mountains to the north:
Of course we never sat on that balcony but if we had more time there I'm sure we would have eventually tired of the ocean view and wanted something different.
We got a selection of fresh fruit in our room each day and none of them were fruits that you see in the US (or Europe). Here I am enjoying some fresh fruit on the balcony:
My two favorite fruits were called snake fruit and hairy fruit. The snake fruit is named for its skin, which looks like that of a snake. But the fruit on the inside tastes like a cross between an apple and a pineapple.

And the hairy fruit, which is better known as rambutan:

They taste and look quite a bit like lychee fruit. I really enjoyed lychee too but I got sick shortly after I had a few lychee martinis (from food poisoning, not drinking too much), which I thought tasted like cough medicine anyway, so I think I'll be avoiding lychee fruit for awhile. Not that I could find it here if I wanted some anyway.
Oranges and bananas are even different in Bali. The oranges, in my opinion, have less flavor or at least more of a bitter flavor and less of a sweet flavor than in the US. And ... they're green on the outside! Defeats the purpose of calling them oranges, I think. Bananas in Bali are about half the size of the bananas I'm used to, and the flavor is less sweet as well. And kiwis in Bali are brown on the inside instead of green. Just total chaos all around in the fruit department, I found something new almost every day.
Okay but back to The Legian. It was right on the beach. So close that even a 2' tidal wave would probably reach the building and cause water damage to the first floor. There was a nice infinity pool right on the beach and during high tide the waves came almost right up to it. And, of course, lots of lounge chairs everywhere with waiters and pool boys to bring you whatever you needed. Martin and I decided that this was the best view we've ever had from a hotel and all we wanted to do every day we were here was sit in a lounge chair and enjoy the ocean view.
The waves on the beach were enormous and the current was very strong so we didn't spend much time in the ocean. I'd never been in the ocean where I got sucked away by a current like that before ... and I'm a good swimmer and I still couldn't do anything about it when the current got ahold of me. We still went body boarding (The Legian makes the boards available free of charge to guests) on our last day and I actually caught a few waves! Martin was much better at it than I was:
The shore right in front of the hotel (where you had to stay because the lifeguard made you) was quite steep and it caused waves to form from the shore that propagated outwards where they would run into the big waves coming into shore and mess up your body boarding and anything else you were trying to do in the ocean. So, it was just a huge battle trying to be out there. And it was warm! Like bath water.
Next up: Night time.
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