It was cold and cloudy and rainy, but we went hiking in Flims anyway. You can see in the progression of photos below how the day started out sunny then got cloudier and darker. We hiked up a little mountain and then took the gondola back down so we didn't get too worn out ... it started to rain right when we finished hiking.
This area of the mountains is a UNESCO World Heritage Site for the horizontal lines in the sides of the mountains. I am completely ignorant about how these rocks came to look like that but it must be a swell story to have made it a UNESCO site.
My cow friend. I think we're a little scared of cows now because when we first started out on the hike this group of about 10 cows came over a little hill and all started running like crazy down the hill towards a group of hikers. Cows are really big things to be coming straight at you. But the cows stopped right in front of the people for some reason. I always thought cows were pretty lazy - they're always sleeping or eating when you see them. But these cows had a few screws loose I think. Must be the mountain air in Flims.
Some more lines in the mountains:
Here's a little glacier:
Then Martin took the camera and that's why all the pictures from now on look really good. I went inside (because of course there was a cafe at the top of the mountain!) and had some hot tea to warm up while Martin wandered around and took pictures.
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