So we traveled to the castle and started wandering around. It was a very kid-friendly place with lots of games in every room and fun little things to do. In the bedroom you could pack a suitcase with things to travel to Paris with back in 1780 which was interesting. They wouldn't let me pack my cell phone or credit card because I guess they didn't exist back then. Who knew. It was nice to see someplace trying so hard to get children interested in history ... we've never been to a historical site that has been so kid-friendly and so interactive. It was kind of like being in a children's history museum, except it was all about the Kyburg castle and the people who lived in it.
One room was filled with games (cards, chess, lots of little kids games). And Martin entertained himself for awhile:
He was not successful.
We also found a room with a lot of weapons:
Some pictures from the courtyard of the castle:
The castle was not very big but there were a lot of rooms in it that you could wander around in. Here is a view from the outside of it:
And some pictures of the Dorf that the castle is in (there were several cats around too but they didn't want to have their pictures taken today apparently):
We always see a lot of cats in our wanderings here in Switzerland. On my morning runs I always see one or two, and almost always different cats too so most people here must own cats. Only a few of them have been brave enough to come over to me and let me pet them. They're lucky I haven't taken any of them home with me yet because I've been really tempted.
So after being in the cold and rain for a few hours Martin came home and had to be revived with a beer, a soccer game, and a warm blanket:
In 3 days, we will be able to drink our cocktails on a sofa instead of on a bed because we won't be living in a one-room apartment the size of a dorm room anymore.
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